Our mines are only 200KM from the public and operational port of Ensenada.
This minimises the investment required in logistics in comparison to many other mines around the world which require transport infrastructure to be built raising CAPEX significantly.
Moreover, building railways or pipelines over vast distances required the costly and time consuming negotiation of pass through rights through the land of thousands of people and obtain complex environmental permitting.
Ensenada Port has one of the shortest nautical miles distances to China in the Americas.
It is Mexico's fifth largest port by container volume and currently undergoing a $100m investment to expand this capacity.
China is the largest purchaser and producer of copper which makes the location of the mines ideal for exporting overseas.
Additionally, the mines are only 58km from the abandoned port of San Quintin, which could be put back into operation at an relatively economical cost.
There is also a project underway for a US$60M port in the nearby region of El Socorro beach.